Friday, March 8, 2013

Do I Really Suck at Homeschooling?

Ever meet other homeschool mommies and think "wow, I really suck as a homeschool mom"?
I feel this way ALL THE TIME!  Pretty much every time I meet another homeschool mommy, I think to myself--"why don't I do ________" or "how come I'm not better at ________"  and occasionally  "why do I suck so much as a homeschool teacher?" 
Today, ladies, I'm proud to say that I actually acted like a "real" homeschool mommy and didn't give a crap about the "routine" for once!  We stayed in bed late (maybe not the most "real" homeschool mommy thing, but it works for us) and spent the day doing things we LIKE to do that are actually good for their brains too! 
Mo with his first masterpiece of today!

 First we started with some painting--it was glorious!  I did dishes while they painted many different sheets of paper--so much fun!

We followed that with some interpretive dance and music making--here's some stop action photography of part of it.

 Last, but certainly not least, we went outside and planted the early spring crops for our garden.  It was quite cold, but we got it all in the ground--and then I took the tomatoes inside to live in the kitchen for a few more weeks.  (Sorry the pics are sideways, nothing I do seems to keep them the right way up...) 


  1. Love the interpret dancing pics Mo's face is priceless

  2. Replies
    1. hahahaha! did it ask you to verify who you were or anything?
